Wednesday, 16 May 2012

'obby 'orses 1st May in Padstow

Today we left Newquay and headed for Bath.  On our way we heard on the radio that the ‘obby ‘orse parade was just starting in Padstow to celebrate the 1st  May which signifies the start to summer.  As we were just passing Padstow we diverted off to see what this was all about.  Well did we call in!!  We drove down a one way street only to be greeted by a parade of people parading up the street.  With no where to go we had to reverse with all this people closing in on us…how embarrassing!!  We eventually parked the car in some paddock then went to the castle which is where the ‘obby ‘orse was due to visit.  Apparently there are two ‘obby ‘orses… a blue and a red so everyone is dressed in white and red or white and blue and this is dependent on your family history as to what colour you support.  The ‘obby ‘orse comes to the castle which is privately owned knocks on the door and is then met and greeted by the owners of the house.  The ‘orse then dances for the owners before the parade continues through the rest of the town.  At the end of the day the red and blue ‘obby ‘orse come together for a bit of a dual at the maypole in the town square.  It was a very colourful happening and a beautiful little village with a very small protected harbour.  After our diversion here we were on a mission to get to Bath.

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